
DigiPortal – Holistic Solution

The DigiPortal is based on multiple layers of smart sensor technology to create a cost-effective, comprehensive, and holistic system to manage your supply chain.

DigiPortal combines data from cellular IoT sensors, Wi-Fi transmitting sensors, Bluetooth transmitting tags, RFID reading and visual input barcodes.

Talk to one of our experts to find the right solution for your supply chain

Logistics Pallet Rental Analytics Real‑Time Monitoring

Parent – Child Tech Solution


Wide area coverage

Cellular and Wi-Fi coverage

Integrated Memory


Integrated Memory


Wide Bluetooth Low Energy coverage

‘Hotspot’ effect since all parent devices are capable of observing children

Child Tracker
Parent Tracker
Parent Child Process


The Dashboard is completely customizable to your specific needs

Each pallet is unique with its own ID and current location

Authorized users have complete control over your supply chain

Data is granular and can be drilled down to each pallet history and cycle pathway

Scalability is virtually unlimited

We track over 40,000 assets with our IoT technology in the UK. Losses & bottlenecks have been eliminated from the fleet